GRADES 7 & 8
Calculators are provided for all 7th and 8th-grade students enrolled in the Title VI program. Please be looking for emails regarding this service sometime during the summer or at the beginning of the school year. Contact Kim McCathern for more information.
Broncho Bound - Native American Preview Day
Broncho Bound is a field trip taken each spring. This event is open to 8th-grade students interested in visiting and experiencing the University of Central Oklahoma's college campus. Students will take a campus tour, meet with university representatives, and receive materials specific to UCO.
Students must be in good standing with YPS to attend this event (no grades below a C and no suspensions)
A field trip form must be completed prior to the event (form provided by NASS).
Lunch and transportation will be provided for students that attend.
We also hold evening cultural nights for our Title VI/NASS families. This can be anything from dancers, storytellers, or a make-and-take activity. A flyer is sent by email about these events. Please make sure your email is up to date in Powerschool to ensure delivery of these notifications.
Cultural Books
Summer read books are available for elementary students. However, if your student wants to continue with some cultural reading, books are available. Contact Kim McCathern.
For program questions Kim McCathern, Title VI Facilitator at (405)350-2032 option 1 or