GRADES 9 - 12

The NASS office is located at Yukon High School in room 241A.  Students are welcome to stop by anytime throughout the school day for assistance with questions about their tribe. Appointments are available for parents/guardians by contacting Kim McCathern. 

Listed below are some programs that the NASS office may assist students with.

Student info graphic

Tribal Higher Education/Vo-Tech Assistance

Understanding what your tribe assists with while they are in school is important.  Some tribes offer students in grades PreK-12 assistance in the areas of clothing grants, incentive awards, concurrent enrollment, Vo-tech, ACT/SAT help, and senior assistance.  

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 Chickasaw Nation's Recruitment and Retention program

College Support Services

This picture is of the Casa Blanca Building located on the campus of the University of Oklahoma.  The statue in front is the Chickasaw Warrior and represents the partnership between the university and the Chickasaw Nation's Recruitment and Retention program.  The building, located at 103 W. Boyd St in Norman, provides the Chickasaw students with a connection to their culture as well as academic and career support and career development opportunities.  

The Recruitment and Retention program are also available to Chickasaw students on the campuses of Murray State College, Oklahoma City Community College, and the University of Central Oklahoma. 

Visit for more information.

Choctaw Nation has an office in the Student Union at OSU-OKC for their Higher Education or Career Tech offices, where someone is available to visit with Choctaw students about scholarships available through the Choctaw Nation.

Choctaw First-Year Experience Coordinators are available on the campuses of Southeastern Oklahoma State University-Durant, Carl Albert State College-Poteau, and Eastern Oklahoma State College-Wilburton to closely assist Choctaw students throughout their Freshman year and foster success through graduation.

Visit for more information about these and other services offered through the Choctaw Nation.

Senior Scholarship Packets

Each year a packet is created for each Native American senior enrolled in Title VI that includes information on tribal college scholarships, FAFSA, information from, cultural information, and tribal information.  The goal is to get these to seniors by fall break of their senior year.


Calculators (9th grade)

Calculators are provided for all 9th-grade students enrolled in the Title VI program.  The goal is to meet with each freshman student enrolled in the NASS program to see if a calculator is needed.  This will also help students become familiar with the Native American office at the high school.

Oklahoma Indian Student Honor Society (OISHS) logo

Oklahoma Indian Student Honor Society (OISHS)

Established in 1989, the purpose of the OISHS is to recognize and honor Oklahoma Indian students who achieve the highest standards in academics, leadership, service to tribe and community, and moral character.

Senior Opportunities for OISHS members:

These established scholarships are for one year and are $1,000 each.

Indian Youth Career Day

Indian Education directors from Yukon, MidDel, Moore, Norman, Edmond, OKC, ElReno, and Putnam City host this event in early spring. Held on an Oklahoma college campus, students are able to attend workshops taught by teachers on career choices, Vo-Tech, and college.  Representatives set up booths with college and career information.  Opportunities for college campus tours are also available. 

An email announcement will be sent out with more information about this event.

Indian Youth Career Day
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Johnson O'Malley (JOM) Assistance

The JOM program is a secondary program to Title VI.  However, if students have additional questions about JOM services please see Kim McCathern.  Kim attends all JOM meetings and can assist with JOM needs.  

*Please visit our JOM page to see what services are provided.*

For questions on any services or tribal information contact Kim McCathern, Title VI Facilitator at 

(405)350-2032 Option 1 or

Kim's office is located at Yukon High School, Room 241A, 1777 S Yukon Pkwy, Yukon, Oklahoma 73099